Manuel Altolaguirre y Concha Méndez. Poetas e impresores


Catalog of the exhibition at the Residencia de Estudiantes (2001) following the professional and personal paths of Concha Méndez and Manuel Altolaguirre, from their marriage in 1932. Both were poets, editors and printers and worked in Madrid, Havana and Mexico. They published books by their friends García Lorca, Moreno Villa, Neruda, Prados, Alberti and Cernuda, who lived in Concha Méndez ‘s house in Mexico for the last ten years of his life. Their experiences in exile, their common task as printers and their individual achievements in literature and film are told in this volume, which also includes photographs, documents and some of their poems.

PAPERBACK. 21 × 24 cm, 96 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-95078-73-5

16,83 €   add to cart  

1 x  BORES. MADRID-PARÍS, 1898-1972
1 x  José Caballero. Obra última
1 x  Las lecciones de las cosas
1 x  La voz de J. M. Caballero Bonald

49,61 €
