Los placeres prohibidos
Luis Cernuda


Co-published with Centro Cultural de la Generación del 27.

Luis Cernuda wrote Los placeres prohibidos in 1931, an essential work in the poet’s evolution and the culmination of his surrealist period.

This book reproduces in facsimile for the first time the manuscripts of Los placeres prohibidos, kept in Cernuda’s private archives: the typed and the autographic versions, the latter being a copy of many whose whereabouts are unknown. At any rate, the author’s corrections and notations makes it particularly interesting. The texts are without punctuation, something dear to the surrealists and changed by Cernuda before their publication.

The manuscripts come from José Luis Cano’s archives, at the Centro Cultural Generación del 27 (Málaga), and Cernuda’s private archives bequeathed to the Residencia de Estudiantes.

PAPERBACK. 17,5 × 23,6 cm, 238 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-7785-597-2
ISBN: 84-7785-597-8

30,00 €   add to cart  

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