Juan Ramón Jiménez, Premio Nobel 1956
Edición de Javier Blasco y Antonio Piedra


Coedition with the Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales

The catalog of the exhibition was published with the collaboration of some of the leading specialists on the poet's work. It contains numerous documents; cover pages of books and journals; photographs, as well as reproductions of the oil paintings, watercolors and drawings displayed at the exhibition; the chronology of the poet’s life written by the curators; and a selection of texts and poems that several writers dedicated to Juan Ramón. This volume provides an overview of the poet’s life and work and an update of the scholarly studies about him.

HARDCOVER. 21,5 × 24,5 cm, 640 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-95078-48-3

50,00 €   add to cart  

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