monographs and studies
Manuel Altolaguirre, impresor y editor
Julio Neira


Coedition with the Consejo Social of the University of Málaga

Manuel Altolaguirre was one of the most versatile artists in twentieth century Spain. He was a poet, playwright, lecturer, journalist, script writer, and film maker and producer, but printing and editing were his main interest and he worked on them for twenty years. Julio Neira writes about Altolaguirre’s professional career in Malaga, Paris, Madrid, London, Valencia, Havana and Mexico, cities where he had publishing houses. His periodicals are instrumental to follow Spanish cultural milieu. The consolidation of the Generación del 27 can be found in Ambos, Litoral and Poesía; the contrasting aesthetic movements and the emerging generations in Héroe, 1616 and Caballo Verde para la Poesía; the end of an era in periodicals he published in exile: La Verónica, Atentamente and Antología de España en el Recuerdo.

This book includes the most complete catalog of his periodicals, books, leaflets and plaquettes, including their indexes and covers.

PAPERBACK. 14 × 21,5 cm, 716 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-95078-65-0

25,00 €   sold out  

1 x  El laboratorio de España
1 x  Una mujer moderna. Concha Méndez en su mundo (1898-1986)
1 x  Las lecciones de las cosas
1 x  La voz de Ángel González
1 x  La voz de Jaime Sabines
1 x  Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza nº 100 (Pdf)
1 x  Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza nº 82 (Pdf)
1 x  Juan Ramón Jiménez. Epistolario II, 1916-1936
1 x  Pedro Salinas / Jorge Guillén. Epistolario
1 x  Velázquez: «es verdad, no pintura»
1 x  Residencia
2 x  Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza nº 99 (Pdf)
1 x  BORES. Madrid-París, 1898-1972
2 x  El arte de saber ver
5 x  Zenobia Camprubí. Epistolario III, 1936-1951

460,44 €
