Gabriel Celaya-León Sánchez Cuesta. Epistolario, 1932-1952
Edición de Juan Manuel Díaz de Guereñu


With the cooperation of the Centro Cultural del 27 y Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea

This very significant correspondence between bookseller and distributor, León Sánchez Cuesta, and poet and editor, Gabriel Celaya, contains 61 letters (35 by Celaya and 24 by Sánchez Cuesta) provides valuable information about the books that Celaya read during his formative years in Madrid, the writing process of his Norte poems, and Sánchez Cuesta.

The book covers two periods, 1932 -1936 and 1948-1952, and deals with their professional relationship. The main interest of the letters and documents in this volume is the detailed information about Norte, and its context. There is also valuable information about the two correspondents, their attitudes and values, their relationship and their collaboration. The letters show a sharp contrast between each period, split by the Spanish civil war that created a deep difference in the lifestyles of the correspondents. This correspondence also provides fascinating information about publishing and poetry after the civil war.

Most of the letters come from the remarkable collection of documents in León Sánchez Cuesta’s archives, currently at the Residencia de Estudiantes. This is the first volume ever published with the correspondence between the bookseller and one of the many members of the Silver Age of Spanish culture he was in contact with.

The editor, Juan Manuel Díaz de Guereñu, is professor at the University of Deusto. He has published La poesía de Juan Larrea. Creación y sentido (1988), Juan Larrea: versiones del poeta (1955), and Poetas creacionistas españoles (1999), among other works. He is also the editor of Luis Á. Piñer’s En resumen 1927-1988, Premio Nacional de Poesía, 1991, and Memoria de Gerardo Diego, published by the Residencia de Estudiantes in 1999. He has also published works about Gabriel Celaya, Juan Larrea, Fernando Aramburu y Emilio Prados.

PAPERBACK. 14 × 21,5 cm, 228 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-95078-68-1

25,00 €   add to cart  

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