monographs and studies
De la poesía
Luis Á. Piñer



Luis Álvarez Piñer offers in this book his personal interpretation of the works of Vicente Huidobro, Rosalía de Castro, the Machado brothers, Pedro Salinas, and César Vallejo, who were instrumental in its poetic formation. De la poesía is the fruit of a long and complex process of writing and revision that left an important mark on his own work.

Juan Manuel Díaz de Guereñu brings out a collection of Luis Álvarez Piñer's unpublished prose in a meticulous edition that aims to clarify the circumstances surrounding these texts. He analyzes the final form of Piñer's prose, the different versions kept by the poet, the writing process and the meaning of his creative work.

Luis Álvarez Piñer born in Gijon in 1910, he died in Madrid in 1999. He made his debut as a poet in the journal Carmen, edited by Gerardo Diego, in which he even became secretary. In 1936 he published in Oviedo the book Suite alucinada, and thereafter, first by the fracture of the Civil War and later by the trauma of the defeat, he began a publishing silence of several decades. Only in 1990 he agreed to publish a selection of his poems, entitled En resumen (1927-1988), which won the Premio Nacional de Poesía. Later on, he released Tres ensayos de teoría, Poesía and Memoria de Gerardo Diego (the latter published by the Residencia de Estudiantes).

Juan Manuel Díaz de Guereñu is Professor of Literature at the San Sebastián campus of the University of Deusto. He has published, among others, the books La poesía de Juan Larrea. Creación y sentido (1988), Juan Larrea: versiones del poeta (1995), Poetas creacionistas españoles (1999), Cloc. Historias de Arte y Desarte (1978-1981) (1999), Habeko Mik (1982-1991). Tentativas para un cómic vasco (2004), Fernando Aramburu, narrador (2005) and Fábula del explorador y el catedrático (2010). He has prepared editions of works and correspondence of Gabriel Celaya, Juan Larrea, Gerardo Diego, Emilio Prados and Fernando Aramburu. He has carefully edited several works of Luis Á. Piñer, including En resumen 1927-1988 (Premio Nacional de Poesía in 1991) and, on the occasion of the birth centenary of the poet, Recordatorio de Ramón Cuesta (2010), Acontecer en vano and Siervo del horizonte (Dos poemarios en el archivo de Gerardo Diego) (2010) and Jovellanos. Discurso en el Insituto, 1936 (2010).

PAPERBACK. 14 × 21,5 cm, 284 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-937474-9-7

18,00 €   add to cart  

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