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Una mujer moderna. Concha Méndez en su mundo (1898-1986)
Edición de James Valender


Concha Méndez (1898-1986) followed an unusual path for a Spanish woman at that time: she stood out as a poet, playwright, film-maker and printer, opening new areas for Spanish women. This book includes, along with a selection of her unpublished or forgotten writings, profiles of Concha Méndez written by her contemporaries, María Zambrano, Ernestina de Champourcin and Consuelo Berges, and essays by experts on her contributions to poetry, cinema and theater in Spain.

PAPERBACK. 16,5 × 24 cm, 260 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-95078-01-8
ISBN: 84-95078-01-5

17,43 €   add to cart  

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