La voz de Blanca Varela


La voz de Blanca Varela contains the recording and transcript of her reading on December 9, 1997, in the “Poet in Residence" series. Varela talks about the circumstances accompanying her work since her first book, Ese puerto existe. She also traces a precise itinerary for all her personal poetry: "I feel it's the only thing I retain, a distinctive voice. I do not know whether is good or bad poetry, but this particular voice is mine, “she said during the reading.

BLANCA VARELA (Lima, Peru 1926) is one of the most acclaimed Latin American poets of the 20th century and was the first woman invited to participate in the "Poet in Residence" series. She belongs to the generation of the 1950s, but her poetry has more affinities with the previous generation. In 1949, she settled with her husband, the painter Fernando de Szyszlo, in Paris, where they met, through Octavio Paz, Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Michaux, Léger and Giacometti. They also lived in Florence and Washington, and went back to Lima in 1962. She has published Ese puerto existe, Luz de día, Valses y otras falsas confesiones, Canto villano, Ejercicios materiales, El libro de barro, Concierto animal, and El falso teclado. In 2001, she was awarded the Premio de Poesía y Ensayo Octavio Paz, and the Premio de Poesía Federico García Lorca- Ciudad de Granada in 2006.

HARDCOVER. 14 × 19,5 cm, 60 pp.
Contains 1 CD
ISBN: 978-84-95078-47-6
ISBN: 84-95078-47-3

15,00 €   add to cart  

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