monographs and studies
Manuel B. Cossío a través de su correspondencia. 1879 - 1934
Ana María Arias de Cossío y Covadonga López Alonso


This epistolary collection contains five hundred letters that Manuel Bartolomé Cossío (1857-1935) exchanged with the main intellectuals, creators and politicians of his era, most of them have never been shown before. This collection is considered an appreciated document of a crucial period in the History of Spain, when Cossío and his master Francisco Giner de los Ríos, taking into consideration the increasing necessity to insert certain modern aspects in the country, created the Institución Libre de Enseñanza (1876). These letters allow us to understand the social texture of a time that marked the renovation of Spain with the transformation of the educative system and the evolution of culture. Meanwhile, they show the system of relationships that the preferred disciple of Giner had with writers and philosophers such as Emilia Pardo Bazán, Juan Ramón Juménez, Azorín, Ortega y Gasset or Unamuno, with historians such as Menéndez Pidal or Américo Castro, with politicians like Moret Salmerón or Besteiro and the vast majority of institutionalists and intellectuals linked to the ILE, who permanently reflect the interest that generation had to reform education following European pedagogical trends.

ANA MARÍA ARIAS DE COSSÍO is an Art History professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where she works as an assigned teacher in the Contemporary Art Department, whereas she offers courses and lectures in several national and international museums. Regarding the figure of Manuel B. Cossío, she has published several works, for instance the critical edition of the book Cossío Aproximación a la pintura española (Akal, 1985) or the articles “Manuel B. Cossío, catedrático: el medio de la ILE y el nacimiento de una nueva metodología del arte” (BILE, 4, March 1988) and “Pintura de paisaje en la segunda mitad del siglo xix. Teoría y práctica: la Institución Libre de Enseñanza” (Arte del siglo XIX, Institución «Fernando el Católico», 2013). Besides, she has written other books and articles related to contemporary painting, scenography and theatrical plastic.

COVADONGA LÓPEZ ALONSO is a General Linguistics professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She has worked as an invited professor in universities such as Paris-Sorbone (Paris IV), Paris VII, Toulouse-Le Mirail, Versailles, Montpellier, Paris VIII, Laval (Quebec-Canadá), Palermo, La Serena (Chile) or L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris), among others. Their researchers focus on two prominent fields (discourse analysis and applied linguistics to teaching of languages) she has written about more than a hundred articles in monographic magazines, such as Análisis del discurso (Síntesis, 2014) or her editions Doña Eulalia de Borbón. Infanta de España. Memorias (Castalia, 1991), En tomo al yo (Castalia, 1992) and Dolores Medio. Diario de una maestra (Castalia, 1993). In the last few years, she has published in Spain and also in France several articles related to epistolary genre, specially about correspondence between Manuel B.Cossío, Francisco Giner de los Ríos and Emilia Pardo Bazán.

PAPERBACK, 22 x 14 cm, 928 págs.
ISBN: 978-84-939988-5-1

24,00 €   add to cart  

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