Francisco Bores. El ultraísmo y el ambiente literario madrileño. 1921-1925


The catalog of the exhibition at the Residencia de Estudiantes purports to be an essential reference book on Francisco Bores during his time in Madrid and the cultural milieu in which the Ultraista movement developed. The volume reproduces the works in the exhibit and essays commissioned to leading experts on Bores and the Spanish avant-garde. Eugenio Carmona, curator of the exhibit, writes a critical essay and the notes to the selected works. Historian Javier Tusell describes the social and cultural milieu, a historical portrait of Madrid in the 1920’s and the difficulties confronting avant-garde artists. Juan Manuel Bonet, director, IVAM, writes about cafés and tertulias, the real cultural centers at a time when many great artists lived in the city.

PAPERBACK. 21 × 24 cm, 176 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-95078-93-3
ISBN: 84-95078-93-7

18,00 €   add to cart  

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