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Memoria de Gerardo Diego
(De los cuadernos de Luis Á. Piñer)
Luis Á. Piñer


Luis Á. Piñer (Gijón, 1910) was Gerardo Diego’s student, friend and disciple during the consolidation of the most important group of poets of the twentieth century. He witnessed Diego’s creative process from a privileged perspective as secretary of Carmen journal, while he himself was developing his own poetic voice. In 1996, the birth centenary of the poet from Santander, Piñer wished to make public his reminisces of Diego and gave a lecturer at the Residencia de Estudiantes. Juan Manuel Díaz de Guereñu, editor of this volume, included excerpts from that lecture, unpublished diaries and documents to draw a portrait of Gerardo Diego and an assessment of his work.

PAPERBACK. 16,5 × 24 cm, 120 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-95078-89-6
ISBN: 84-95078-89-9

9,00 €   add to cart  

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539,04 €
