monographs and studies
Mi vida. Así es
Victorina Durán


Edited by Idoia Murga Castro and Carmen Gaitán Salinas Avant-garde stage-designer, painter and costume-designer Victorina Durán (Madrid, 1899-1993) –student colleague of Maruja Mallo and Salvador Dalí, professor in Residencia de Señoritas, member of Lyceum Club Femenino or stage-designer of theatrical company Teatro Escuela de Arte (TEA) de Rivas Cherif and Margarita Xirgu– left written the memoirs of her fascinating biography in three volumes that, for the first time, are being published: Sucedió, El Rastro. Vida de lo inanimado and Así es. Published under the same title Mi vida, she narrates how she was brought up and began to thrive in the world of art, how she discovered her attraction towards women and lived her love affairs, or how she dealt with the consequences of Spanish Civil War, the exile in Buenos Aires and her difficult return to Spain.

Volume 3. ASÍ ES The third volume of the trilogy, Así es, discovers the most intimate side of Victorina Durán’s life. In it, the artist, who never disowned her homosexuality, recounts her love affairs with other women, for her as a way of defending her acceptation in society.
br> PAPERBACK. 14 x 21,5 cm.
ISBN: 978-84-949650-0-5
288 pp.

18,00 €   add to cart  

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