Juan Ramón Jiménez. Epistolario II, 1916-1936
Edición de Alfonso Alegre Heitzmann


In cooperation with: Fundación Cajasol

Following the publication in 2006 of the first volume of the correspondence of Juan Ramon Jimenez, covering the period 1898-1916, this second volume contains the letters sent between 1916 and 1936, that is, from his trip to the USA to marry Zenobia Camprubí, until the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. This is a period of creative fulfillment during which, Juan Ramón, as estated in his letters, worked simultaneously and fruitfully in his own books and in various popular and translation projects. It is also the period of the emergence of the poets from 27, with whom he had a very close relationship and who he intensely followed and encouraged in its beginnings and, also the moment when he grew apart from the writers of his generation, as he did not see in them the impulse of the new times.

This book brings together a total of 520 letters of which 236 had remained unpublished until now. It reports on the human quality and the complexity of the poet's world, in which personalities as prominent as Antonio Machado, Manuel B. Cossio, Alberto Jiménez Fraud, Jose Ortega y Gasset, Enrique Díez-Canedo, Alfonso Reyes, Joaquin Sorolla, Luis Cernuda, Federico Garcia Lorca, Jorge Guillen and Jose Bergamin, among many others who were part of Spanish culture played an important role.

Alfonso Alegre Heitzmann, poet and essayist born in 1955 who runs, with Victoria Pradilla, the poetry magazine Rosa Cúbica, is responsible for the edition of this Epistolario. An expert in the oeuvre of Juan Ramón Jiménez, he edited, in 1999, Lírica de una Atlántida (1936-1954), which includes the last four books of poems that Juan Ramón wrote during his exile in America and, in 2003, he developed the first copyrigt free edition of Una colina meridiana by the same author. In 2006 he edited, with La Residencia de Estudiantes, Juan Ramón Jiménez. Epistolario I. 1898-1916, first volume of the poet's complete correspondence and, in 2008, the book Juan Ramón Jiménez, 1956. Crónica de un premio Nobel. Among others, he has published the books of poems, Sombra y Materia (Barcelona, 1995), which collects much of his poetry written between 1984 and 1991, La luz en la ventana (Barcelona / México, 2001) and La flor en lo oscuro (Valladolid, 2003).

PAPERBACK. 14 × 21,5 cm, 808 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-938860-5-9

25,00 €   add to cart  

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